Examples of Word Agreement

Ngày đăng: 15/06/2023 bởi admin8x

Word agreement is an essential aspect of the English language that ensures clarity and coherence in communication. It refers to the proper matching of subject and verb, pronoun and antecedent, and other grammatical components in a sentence. A failure to achieve word agreement can lead to confusion and ambiguity in written and spoken language. Here are some examples of word agreement to help you improve your writing.

Subject-Verb Agreement

The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that performs the action, while the verb is the action word that describes what the subject is doing. In English, the subject and verb must agree in number, meaning that singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

For example:

– The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject, singular verb)

– The cats chase the mice. (plural subject, plural verb)

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. An antecedent is the noun or pronoun that the pronoun refers to. Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in number, gender, and person to avoid confusion.

For example:

– Sarah took her book. (singular antecedent, singular pronoun)

– The students took their books. (plural antecedent, plural pronoun)

Adjective-Noun Agreement

Adjectives are descriptive words that modify or describe nouns. In English, adjectives must agree with their corresponding nouns in number and gender.

For example:

– The blue car is fast. (singular noun, singular adjective)

– The blue cars are fast. (plural noun, plural adjective)

Indefinite Pronouns Agreement

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific or unknown nouns. In English, indefinite pronouns must be treated as singular or plural, depending on the context and meaning of the sentence.

For example:

– Everyone needs to do their part. (singular indefinite pronoun, plural pronoun)

– Both of them have their own opinions. (plural indefinite pronoun, plural pronoun)

In conclusion, word agreement is a vital aspect of clear and effective communication in English. By mastering subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, adjective-noun agreement, and indefinite pronoun agreement, you can improve your writing and avoid confusion in your communication. Remember to always check and double-check your work for proper word agreement to ensure your message is clear and understood by your audience.